I recently came across an interesting article: Is a traditional university degree the equivalent of getting trained for the typing pool? The article itself didn’t give me much in the way of answers, but the TITLE certainly sparked the right question.
I think back to when I was at high school, last millennium; graduating university with a degree was a guarantee for a job. Yet, for my dad’s generation, having High School Certificate (Fifth Form) was a guarantee. Boy, how things change. Now (a generation or so later), as paradigms continue to shift, a degree is no longer a guarantee. A Masters degree is no longer a guarantee. Perhaps, a PhD?
The globalisation and McDonaldisation of tertiary education has created some unique paradigm shifts: first, degrees are more accessible, both offline and on, thus generating many more graduates. The once-prized piece of parchment is now somewhat more ubiquitous, thus making its holder less of a tall poppy, and more of the norm.
Secondly, with the rise of Coursera and other platforms for education, we are shying away from traditional degrees, and embracing “sound-byte-style” education – picking and choosing the best of what is available to meet our needs, rather than the best of what a singular university has to offer. This often culminates in interesting learning, but an incomplete qualification in the traditional sense - meaning CV’s are filled with online study achievements, and less BA’s, BCom’s, and the like.
So back to the question though, is a traditional university degree the equivalent of getting trained for the typing pool? Possibly yes, as the inflexibility and monotony of a traditional degree becomes less relevant in today’s workplace, and increasingly fails to meet the needs of learners the same way it did 30 years ago. But really, it’s just time for Universities, and employers, to change their thinking, and look beyond the paperwork to see the holistic patterns to personal and professional development.
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