In the new era of
customer relationships, entrepreneurs today realise the importance of
delivering good customer experience in business. As crucial as it may seem to
the company, however, customer service training requires a continual
company-wide dedication as some employers do not realise the connection between
what happens on a day-to-day basis that will eventually contribute to their
company’s customer experience goals.
Telling Employees They’re
Empowered: Then
shutting them down when they actually show initiative in finding creative ways to help customers. A
lot of companies talk about empowerment, but mean it kind of like sprinkles on
top of a sundae of daily misery. Empowerment–the freedom to creatively
assist customers–needs to be a core part of an
employee’s job, and there can’t be blowback when their empowered
actions cost money or have other consequences.
Not Walking the Walk: If your employees hear you tell old war
stories about how customers are always trying to take advantage of you, and how
you “showed them you wouldn’t fall for that,” how do you expect them to react
when it’s their turn to take care of (or fail to take care of) the customer in
front of them?
Not Establishing Expectations: In the absence of clearly defined high standards
to respond to customers, employees will make up their own. “We provide world
class customer service” isn’t enough guidance. A company needs behavioural
standards that define, in the majority of situations, how customer service
should be provided. Although (see point #1), employee empowerment needs
to take care of the situations that fall outside the norm.
Not Providing Employees with
the Tools They Need to Serve your Customers Properly: You can give lip service to the idea
that employees “should take care of the customer” all you
like, but if you give those same employees out of date, slow, clunky,
inadequate tools –whether that means a broken broom or an out of date CRM — who
do you think you’re kidding?
Not Providing Adequate
Resources: Unreasonable call volumes, unreasonable customer loads…The
nicest, best-intentioned employees in the world are going to fail in such circumstances.
Not Showing you Care about your
Employees’ Work Environment: Would you want to use your employees’ restroom?
What about their break room? If not, what is that saying about how you care
about them, and how important they are in your organization? You shouldn’t
expect them to care any more about your customers as you do about them.
Not Offering Sufficient,
Ongoing Customer Service Training: Customer service training is not simply a Day
One and Done kind of thing. It needs to happen regularly, it needs to
have sustainability components; it needs to include role-plays and other
practical components, as well as the philosophical basics.
Not Asking For Employee Input
Before Announcing a New Customer Service Initiative: If you don’t allow your employees
to weigh in, it’s hard to expect them to buy in.
Keeping Employees in the Dark: No employee wants to hear about a new marketing initiative,
promotion or product launch from the customer first.
Not Sharing the Big Picture:
it is employees who can make the biggest impact on the company’s customer
satisfaction goals, shouldn’t you be sharing those goals with them and giving
them updates to make sure you are all on track?
Not Listening: If employees don’t
think you are interested in their ideas for improving the customer service
experience, then they’ll eventually stop trying to improve themselves.
Not Recognizing Individuals for
Their Efforts: If the only thing your
employees get out of their job is a paycheck, you, as a leader, have failed
Not Making Time for Fun at Work: It has to be about the customer, but it can’t
be only about the customer.
Not Being a Team Player. If you don’t jump in to
help when your employees are in the weeds, you can’t expect them to go
above and beyond for your customers, can you?
Inspiration: Stop Training Your Employees to Give Lousy Customer Service: 14 Mistakes You could be Making now
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Chia Yi Jing | Bubbling with enthusiasm, bright ideas, and confidence, Yi Jing set foot in the PR world with Orchan Consulting, where she was offered permanent employment after a successful internship. She is determined to make her mark in the industry, and her bosses know that she will.